The Early Education Foundation
An approved SA, 18A, Charitable Trust
SED Certified / Approved B- BBEE Beneficiary
A Message from the Founder:
"The genesis of The Early Education Foundation began when I was asked to fly to South Africa, my home country, to assess if the early childhood education programme TJ & Pals, that we had been developing, could be localized and cost effectively produced in multiple languages for South Africa.
In my first meeting with David Brown, the ex-Managing Director of the outstanding NGO, JAM ( Joint Aid Management) he informed me of the situation and challenge that South Africa faces, due to the desperate lack of preschool education for the nearly 75% of children, ages 6 and under, in the country.
I was totally shocked.
As a South African, who was privileged and educated to have every opportunity to succeed in life, I realized that the gifts that I have been was blessed with, which includes the ability to produce this early education programme, had to be shared - and the programme gifted to those children in SA who do not have the same opportunities that I had been given.
The Early Education Foundation was founded to help bring free, effective, preschool education to as many underserved children as possible in South Africa.
I encourage every South African, who has the means, to help support this vital cause."

Ashley Lazarus,
Founder, The Early Education Foundation
Tax Exempt Status
The Early Education Foundation has been approved by SARS, the South African Revenue Services Tax Unit, to be a Section 18A, tax exempt, Public Benefit Organization*.
For Donors and the Foundation the following exemptions apply and are limited to:
1. The Public Benefit Organization ( The Early Education Foundation ) has been approved for purposes of Section 18A(1)(a) of the act and donations to the organization will be tax deductible in the hands of the donors in terms of and subject to the limitations prescribed in Section 18A of the Act with effect from 11 May 2017.
2. Donations made to or by the PBO are exempt from Donation Tax in terms of section 56(1)(h) of the Income Tax Act.
3. Exemption of the payment of Estate Duty in terms of section 4(h) of the Estate Duty Act No. 45 of 1955.
* Click to see the full SARS approval letter.
The Early Education Foundation has been approved and certified by the S.A. Department of Trade and Industries, as a SED Certified / B-BBEE, Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Beneficiary*.
Basically what this means, is that participating South African companies that contribute 1% of their NPAT ( Net Profit After Tax ) to Socio Economic Development in S.A. ( to and through a SED Certified / B-BBEE Beneficiary ) receive benefits that not only enhances their business - but also promotes growth for all South Africans.